To uninstall the app you must need to follow below-given steps.

Step 1: Remove code from the theme file.

{% render 'th-product-review' %}

Step 2: Remove code from the product template file.

 <div id="wc_review_section" class="wc_review_main_content" data-url="{{ shop.url }}" data-handle="{{ product.handle }}" data-limit="0"></div>

Step 3: Remove code from the product template to remove the star rating.

(a) To remove the star rating below product title from the product page.

 <div class="wc_product_review_badge" data-handle="{{ product.handle }}"></div>

(b) To remove star rating from collections.

 <div class="wc_product_review_badge" data-handle="{{ product.handle }}"></div>