Go through the following steps to create Spend Amount - Get Discount offer.

Step 1: Install App

Install Discount Box app -> Open Admin panel -> Click on "Apps" tab -> you will see Discount Box app listed as shown in Image.

Click on this listed Discount Box app.

Step 2: Go inside Discount Box app

# When you go inside the app, you will see 3 tabs on top which are Dashboard, Setting & Create Offer.
# Click on Create offer button from top 3 options, you will see options like below image.
# Now click on Create Offer button of Spend Amount - Get Discount.

What is  Spend Amount - Get Discount offer?

Make customer happier when they spend a certain amount on your store. When any customer is spending a higher amount on the same product than you can give them discount with this offer type.

This offer type will allow you to create a discount in 2 varying ways.

1. On minimum spend of $ X get "Y % off on each product".

Example: Spend over $200.00 on the Winter Collection - get 20% off on each Winter Collection item.

2. On minimum spend of $ X gets "$ Y off on each product".


Spend over $100.00 on Jewelry- get $5.00 off on each Jewelry product.

Note: Customer needs to add same product. It is necessary to spend $X on the same product.

Step 3: Create Offer

Now, Select Spend Amount - Get Discount From Offer Type DropDown box. 

-> Add min dollar which customer needs to spend to get discount.

-> You can apply this offer on particular products else on entire collection. 

Step 4: Advance Settings

-> There is also an settings of Offer message texts. These messages will display when product added to cart & offer applied successfully. 

-> Do additional configuration to customize your offer. You can set a start date & end date of the offer. All these options are optional.

-> Do not forget to click on SAVE button to save all the settings.

In your store, this offer will display like below image.